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Meet The Rad Mama

My Story

I was born (in the late 1900s haha) with genetic hip dysplasia which required a couple reconstructive surgeries before finally getting my total hip replacement in 2010. Because of that I had many visits to all different modalities of radiology and noticed how everyone seemed to really enjoy their job. While having my hip disability has limited me on certain things I can do, I believe it helped guide me in the direction of the best career there is! 

I had my son in 2020 (as if the pandemic wasn't enough to deal with) and after my maternity leave ended I was able to drop my hours from full time to part time. It has been the best of both worlds, but I still felt like there was something more I wanted to do. I started off by selling stickers to other radiology techs and quickly saw how popular those were. I slowly started branching my creativity into other products that I could offer which lead to x-ray markers, shirts, tumblers and more. It's wild knowing that something I have taken the time to make with my own hands is being used by someone I've never met. There is something so special about it that I won't ever take for granted.

Some Fun Facts About Me:

  • My husband and I have been together for 17 years
  • I love to hike
  • Camping is a favorite family past time
  • I have two dogs, a Lab and German Shepard (she is the reason for all my gray hairs)
  • We are a dirtbike family
  • I am 100% introvert
  • I love to read books, but mostly non-fiction
  • Coffee is my jam

What do you enjoy? Send me a DM on Instagram! I'd love to connect.